Structural Concrete
Robin Oval, Mishael Nuh, Eduardo Costa, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
International Journal of Architectural Computing
Eduardo Costa, Robin Oval, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
Architecture, Structures & Construction
Mishael Nuh, Robin Oval & John Orr
Automation in Construction
Robin Oval, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
Thin-Walled Structures
Mishael Nuh, Robin Oval & John Orr
GRC 2023 Conference
Mishael Nuh, Robin Oval, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
Structures and Buildings Journal
Eduardo Costa, Robin Oval, Paul Shepherd & John Orr
Structures Journal
Robin Oval, Mishael Nuh, Eduardo Costa, Omar Abo Madyan, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
Additive Manufacturing Journal
Mishael Nuh, Robin Oval, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
GRC 2023 Conference
Mishael Nuh, Robin Oval, John Orr & Paul Shepherd
We are in the process of publishing all of our scientific results in detailed Journal papers.
In the meantime, to whet your appetite, below are a couple of papers which show the work leading up to the ACORN project.
An Analytical Failure Envelope for the Design of Textile Reinforced Concrete Shells
Will Hawkins, John Orr, Tim Ibell & Paul Shepherd
Structures, 18, pp60-71, doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2018.06.001
A Design Methodology to Reduce the Embodied Carbon of Concrete Buildings using Thin-shell Floors
Will Hawkins, John Orr, Tim Ibell & Paul Shepherd
Engineering Structures, 207, 110195, doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110195